Pharmacy Prescribing Services - Prescriptions Without a Doctor

*Certain conditions and medications only. Not all services available at every pharmacy. Must meet inclusion criteria, Prescription may not be provided if pharmacist determines that severity of customer’s condition or other information requires referral to primary care provider.

We’re here when you need us 

A big dose of convenience 

*Certain conditions and medications only. Not all services available at every pharmacy. Must meet inclusion criteria, Prescription may not be provided if pharmacist determines that severity of customer’s condition or other information requires referral to primary care provider. 

Birth control

Smoking cessation


Flu and strep throat

Yeast infection


Diabetes: statins

Epinephrine pens

Prenatal vitamins

Topical acne

Cold sores

Men's Hair loss


Rescue inhalers & spacers

HIV pre- and post- exposure prophylaxis

A blue colored map of the United States with the Albertsons family banners listed in the state where they have stores

*Coverage for early refill request varies by insurance plan. The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be relied on as medical advice. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, evaluation, or treatment of a qualified health-care provider.